Moving to a big and popular country like Canada is really exciting, but to settle down there, from the moment of landing, things seem daunting. One of the most challenging aspects that immigrants encounter after immigration is finding a comfortable place to stay. With this fact in mind, we will provide you with good information on how to find comfortable accommodation in Canada and some resources to help you find a good place to live in Canada. continue reading!
Find accommodation in Canada:
More commonly, immigrants first plan a temporary residence and then move to a permanent solution, possibly when they find a good job and find a place of their choice in Canada. These temporary residences can be hotels, monthly apartments, hotels, etc. However, one thing to keep in mind here is that most Canadian monthly apartments have a lease term of 12 months. For the same reason, Canada has launched a service for newly arrived immigrants to help immigrants get it completely free during their settlement and integration process. Among these many services, one is to assist in finding accommodation in Canada. Relying on these services will greatly help you as an immigrant to find the best place to live in Canada faster. When requesting accommodation assistance, please consider the following:
Ideal location in Canada
Your budget
Easily reach your workplace (distance and time)
Other related expenses
What is the cost of living in Canada?
The cost of living in Canada depends only on the region you choose to live in. Although the reviews say that places like Montreal and Saskatchewan are the most affordable places in Canada, saying they are very cheap, Alberta and Vancouver are expensive cities. But no matter where you plan to live, you need to be financially prepared, because the cost of living in Canada will definitely be slightly higher than the cost of living in your home country.
Where to find a place to live in Canada:
Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation: CMHC is the national housing agency of the Canadian government and is the best resource for you to settle in Canada. The company aims to provide housing products and resources for people seeking accommodation in Canada. Whether you are a newcomer to renting a house or a family with a permanent residence plan, this kind of cooperation can help everyone have the resources of their choice.
Housing Directory: Depending on the type of housing you are looking for (temporary or permanent), you can search for the housing of your choice in the Canadian housing directory.
Local newspapers or classified ads: Usually, the classified ads section of local newspapers will publish advertisements showing rental houses in the corresponding area. Recommending them will help you find a good place to live within your budget.
Website-Padmapper.com is one of the most famous and highly rated websites in Canada. The website has a map of the region you choose in Canada and will show you all accommodation options in that particular region. In addition, kiji.ca and craigslist.ca are great places to provide lists of jobs, services, accommodations, etc. Available in Canada.