As you probably already know, smoking kills. But did you knew that smoking is the second most preventable killer? Well now you know and you can even read that on the pack of your cigarettes. According to some health officials, more than 1 billion people around the world smoke and 5 million of them die each year from tobacco-related illness. This was confirmed by the World Health Organization. This means that every six seconds one person dies due to smoking. In addition you need to know that not only smokers have lung problems.
However, you must know that smoker’s lungs are a lot more damaged than the lungs of non-smokers. If you are a smoker, you need to quit smoking immediately, however if you are not a smoker or you cannot quit smoking then you need to try this mixture and prevent even bigger damage. Namely here in this article we will present you the recipe for this ultimate natural recipe that will clean your lungs in only 3 days!
According to many researchers, people who smoke longer than 5 years, experience bronchitis and cough issues more often than anybody else. If you are in this category, or even if you are not, you need to try this amazing recipe. The results are guaranteed and will amaze you.
Necessary ingredients:
400g of chopped onion
2 teaspoons of turmeric
1l of water
400g of brown sugar
1 small piece of ginger root
For preparing this amazing remedy, first you need to take a larger pot, and put the water and the brown sugar in it. Bring the water to a boiling point. Next thing you need to do is add the onion and the ginger root. Finally you need to add the turmeric and some grated ginger. As soon as the mixture starts to boil, you need to reduce the heat. Simmer this mixture for few minutes and then take it off the heat. Leave this mixture to cool on a room temperature, and then store it in the fridge.
As for the consummation, you need to take this mixture every morning, before you eat your breakfast and in the evening, 2 hours after your last meal.